Burgee Exchange
The burgees are on display above the bar in our clubhouse.
It is traditional for yacht clubs to exchange burgees during the first visit by one yacht club to the other. It is the desire that our club continue this tradition. If you are planning to visit a yacht club with whom we have not yet exchanged burgees, be sure to take a SGYC burgee with you to exchange.
As we exchange with a club, we will post the photo of their burgee on these pages. Please review this list to be sure you are not exchanging with a club we have already visited. This list is in alphabetical order for easy review.
If you require a burgee to present, you can obtain one by contacting the Commodore or Shipstore. Please allow yourself plenty of time to schedule the pickup of your burgee.
When you visit a club, bring one of our burgees with you. Tell the person who greets you that you are interested in exchanging burgees with their club. They may perform the exchange at that time or they may put you in touch with one of their officers. If you are visiting the club during an event, they may even make the exchange as part of the presentations at the event. If you are calling ahead to advise them you are going to visit their club, it would be appropriate to mention at that time that your are interested in exchanging burgees.

Newport Beach YC
Newport Beach, CA
Fictitious YC (circa 2005) from the TV show "The OC”. The SGYC burgee hangs in the YC on the television set. Mary Shebell