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SGYC By-Laws

  • Purpose and Objective

    • The SeaGate Yacht Club (SGYC) was formed to provide a social environment for members who enjoy boating and a love of the sea. SGYC intends to be responsive to the desires and needs of its members, and enjoy the privileges of the Southern California Yachting Association (SCYA). Maintenance of an informal, friendly environment is the prime objective of SGYC.


  • Membership Eligibility

    • Membership is open to both residents and non-residents of SeaGate. A membership encompasses the member, his or her co-resident, and co-resident children under the age of 21. SGYC non-resident membership is limited to 40% of the membership in good standing.


  • Membership Procedure

    • Prospective members must be sponsored by a member in good standing. The prospective member's application will be reviewed at the first board meeting following the nomination. Approval is granted unless three or more board members are in agreement to deny membership. The Membership Chairperson will notify the prospective member of the board's decision on the following day.


  • Dues

    • Membership dues are on an annual basis, from January 1st to December 31st. Dues are to be paid by January 31st of each year or the member may not be included in the SGYC directory. Dues in arrears by March 1st will result in the membership being cancelled. For new members joining after March 31st, dues will be prorated on a quarterly basis, inclusive of the quarter in which the new member joins.


  • SGYC Officers

    • SGYC officers are elected by a majority vote of the general membership at the general meeting in October. Club officers serve for a period of one year, January 1st, through December 31st. Officers consist of the following:

      • Commodore

      • Vice Commodore

      • Rear Commodore

      • Secretary

      • Treasurer


  • SGYC Board

    • The SGYC Board consists of the SGYC officers, the Junior Staff Commodore, and such board positions as the officers deem necessary for effective operation of SGYC. Service as a board member is for a period of one year, consistent with the terms of service for the SGYC officers. Board positions are voluntary, and may be filled by any member.

      SGYC Board meetings are held once a month. A quorum for purposes of conducting business of SeaGate Yacht Club consists of six members of the board, at least three of which are officers.


  • Responsibilities of Club Officers

    • It is the responsibility of the SGYC officers to provide effective general direction for the SGYC operations and membership during their terms of service.

      • Commodore

        • Conducts the general Membership and monthly meetings of the SGYC Board

        • Selects replacement officers for mid-year vacancies with Board approval

        • Represents SGYC to outside organizations

        • Maintains and hands down SGYC files

      • Vice Commodore

        • Coordinates and publishes the SGYC calendar of events

        • Assists event chairpersons in planning and execution of social events

      • Rear Commodore

        • Assists in recording SGYC history

        • Assists in publication of annual SGYC membership roster

        • Assists event chairperson(s) in conduct of all SGYC boating events

      • Treasurer

        • Maintains SGYC financial information, records, and reports

        • Oversees ordering and inventory of SGYC ship's store

      • Secretary

        • Takes and updates minutes at general and monthly meetings

        • Assists in publication of SGYC newsletter

  • Financial Conduct

    • SGYC shall operate as a non-profit organization. A monthly statement of the financial status will be prepared and communicated at each Board meeting and to the general membership at the general meeting or upon request.


  • SGYC Meetings

    • Meetings of the general membership include all social events and general meetings. At least one event for the general membership is anticipated to be held each month. SGYC Board meetings are also scheduled at least once each month. All events, including planned meetings of the SGYC board, are to be published in the SGYC newsletter. The general membership is to be notified at least 15 days prior to a scheduled event where voting by the general membership on SGYC business in necessary.


  • Voting Requirements

    • Only SGYC members in good standing may vote on issues affecting the club. Votes are cast and recorded with one vote per membership. SGYC officers are responsible for recording voting results. Any changes to the SGYC Bylaws require a two-thirds majority vote of the SGYC membership in good standing present during the vote.

      All other motions shall be decided by simple majority vote of those members in good standing present at the meeting wherein the motion is made. Any vote by the Board must be carried by at least two-thirds of the Board members present with support from at least two of the voting officers.


  • Annual Membership

    • The fee for an annual membership is $175. An annual membership includes up to two adults residing in the household and all children of the adult residents who are under 21 years of age and are residing in the household. The membership fee offsets the general operating expenses of SGYC, including such things as insurance, SCYA membership, nametags (one per person covered under the membership), newsletter (one per membership every two months), burgees for new members (one per membership), member roster (one per membership), website hosting, etc. Each membership may cast one vote on any votes of the SGYC membership, and entitles all those covered under the membership to, among other things, pay the member price for each SGYC event attended. If a member resides with no other persons such that no other persons will benefit from the membership, SGYC will reduce the annual membership fee for that member by $30.

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